Created by the architects and designers Michele De Lucchi and Giancarlo Fassina in '86, the Tolomeo (Italian name Ptolemy) took initial inspiration from traditional spring lamps; maybe the L-1 by Jac Jacobson or the Anglepoise by George Carwardine? However, far from generic, the designers took the idea in a unique direction and created a classic in its own right.
Many designs need at least an update, but the Tolomeo is as fresh as it was in the '80s. Every year there is a new twist released, but the core design stays the same.
It's not just a product but rather an idea of how to use light.
Michele De Lucchi
The Tolomeo is a lot more than a coveted desk ornament though, we have a few in our studio, and many reviews fail to mention the simple notion that; the lamp simply works. We use ours most days, primarily due to the flexibility to put light just where we need it.
There are various versions and colours, but the classic is an aluminium hood and long chromed arm that hide the mechanism showing a hint of technology through its steel cables.
De Lucchi explains it well as 'technical and homely', which is so true.
We just think it's simply beautiful.